On the 28th me and my family went to aunty aseenah's house, we were invited to her house for dinner and kareoke *im not sure if the spelling's right* ( haha ). Aunty freda came aswell, it was only our family and aunty freeda's family, i wasnt hungry when i first came to her house, but when the table was set with tasty foods my tummy started to say 'im hungryy' HAHA, and it turns out that i ate a lot. haha after we had our lovely dinner they went for kareoke, not me haha i just watched em sang, it was fun to watched them sang the 90's song! HAHA; aunty freda went home before us, they went home about 1.00am in the morning lol and we went home about 2.00am. We arrived home at 2.15 i think, and i straight away went to my room and went to bed! i guess i was too exhausted.
29th december
29th december
Yesterday was allrite, i spent my whole day revising science and went online for a bit, well nothing much exciting happened yesterday. Ooo and:

i really-really miss my cousins :), wina, shira, bb, apen, haziq, kaka yana. theyre like my cyblings, we are quite close. i guess we are one big family hehe :D i rather be in brunei than oman, i dont know what happened here but im done with it HAHA. and yes i miss my two buddy's too Venitia and Edward! :P we'll meet up soon, haha can't wait coz obviously we'll be HYPER! thats always us lol anyway thats all for today.
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