Monday, December 22, 2008

Tagged by apen :)

I tag:
1. venitia
2. Nisa J
3. Ed
4. Apen
5. shira
6. wina
7. haziq
8. eera Z
9. nina J

How do you know number 1?
from Wss rehearsouls.

What would you do if you never met number 2?
i dont know.

What would you do if number 3&4 dated you?
Ed and apen! nahh, first reason im straight second reason shes my cousin lol.

Would number 5 & 6 make a good couple?
HAHA, nahh they're cyblings.

do you think number 7 is attractive?
i dont know!

Do you know anything about number 8’s family?
Yup, cousin.

Tell me something about number 9.
her name ninaJ, nisa's sister, very friendly and shes good at science and maths.

What language does number 2 speaks?
Malay and english.

Who is number number 3 going out with?

how old is number number 4?
shes 16 will be 17 soon.

number 5?
13 years old.

Who is number 6 favourite singer?
ermm im not sure, i think its alesana.

number 7 ?

Is number 8 single?

What is number 9 last name?

Would you consider being in a relationship with number 1?
nope shes older then me.

Which school does number 2 go to?
caledonien college.

What do you like about number 3?
He's my closest friend, always there to chear me up when im down, very friendly, what i like about him is he plays the guitar very well and compose good songs which is amazing.

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