arghhhhhhh!!! it's VERY VERY VERY HOT Today!
im in school now because i have to return my school books back and i need to book the transport for prom. and i did book it, thank god its not full or else i would die without the transport HAHA.
ok all i need to do now is to return the books.
prom is in 2 days.
there's nothing really excited happened yesterday, i didn't go out for the whole day yesterday haha, and YES it was actually boring. ermm thats all for today i guess. soory for the boring post LOL.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Divine intervention
Yesterday uncle osman's family came over, aunty amoi and syahril stay over here just for the day, we had nasi lemak and chicken salad for lunch, DAMN IT! i ate a lot YESTERDAY!
I was going to go to Qcc yesterday to celebrate tom's party but ended up i didnt go coz i was exhasuted!
Since i was a bit bored yesterday i took a pictures around the house, its fun & i just realized that IM INTO PHOTOGRAPHY NOW! :)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The truth about reality

Last monday i sent my suit to the laundry, and today i went to City centre and bought a shirt and a tie for prom, prom is in 6 days so yeah it should be good :) we had lunch at noodle house today, the food was quite good.
And the best thing today is i've finally talked to my cousin, apin. im Glad thats shes good and basicly i miss my Cousin really badly, they're just amazing (Y)

Thursday, June 11, 2009
im almost there.
WOOP WOOP, im excited now becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeee

My exams are almost over, i had my drama exams just now and it was perfecto i guess haha nahh im just kidding hehe it was okay. and now i only have scienes paper to do which is multiple choice and Structered then IM DONEEEEEE!!! bye-bye exam papers :P hehe. my science mcq exam is tomorrow, hopefully i can do better then the mocks :) insyaallah.
Lydia just told me that prom is in 2 WEEKS, i was like whattt? i thought we still have 7 weeks more LOL SILLY ME, time goes by really fast hehe but i cant wait coz its going to be the night to remember. girls are going to wear dreeses to impress the boys and boys will be going to wear suits to impress the girls haha reminds me of lydia coz this quote is from a music :P
So far i've been a happy bean LOL, i met venetiaa last wednesday haha i ran and gave her a bug hugggg :) im going to miss you venetia. she will be leaving on the 25th :( which is the day after prom thats why she told me that she and ed will be hyper at prom coz thats probably the last day we met :( *CRIES*
I accompany mom and dad to go to breadtalk today :P haha i love breadtalk especially Chicken floss, damnnnnnnn, they're so good hehe i have to say. right then i got to go now, Later.
Old pictures:

Monday, June 8, 2009
You're not soory.
Well, here goes my story, i was very eager to go to school today *nerdsmile* i woke up early about 5.50am and went downstairs at 6:20am and waited for the bus for an hour, i thought the school bus was late due to Traffics or an acciedent but looks like the bus forgot to pick me up, i was actully pissed off haha coz i really wanna revisee sciences todayy haha oh well revised em tomorrow then :).
i was exhausted today coz i slept late last night due to lack of sleeping, HAHA. seriusly i can't actually sleep lastnight. so i watched fullhouse instead of doing nothing, i fell asleep at 2.00am and woke up at 5.40 haha. 4 hours of sleeping is not enough and it is bad for you. SILLY ME!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
YUP, its been awhile, i cant be bother to update it HAHA, well as usual this month is still hectic, i still got 7 more papers to do which is drama & sciences :S can't wait until exams are done, coz it makes me STRESSSSSSSS.
Anyway last 3 days went to a party at abyan's house, HAHA i can't believe i was SUPER-DUPER-HYPER! haha everyones like OMG! lol but yup thats me venetia knows haha. & i cant believe 2 of my bestest and closest friends are leaving in 3 weeks :S im going to miss em so much, its venetia and ed, theyre going to boarding school in england. sounds like a good school. i will missssss youuuuuuuu guysssssssss sooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhh :(

Anyway last 3 days went to a party at abyan's house, HAHA i can't believe i was SUPER-DUPER-HYPER! haha everyones like OMG! lol but yup thats me venetia knows haha. & i cant believe 2 of my bestest and closest friends are leaving in 3 weeks :S im going to miss em so much, its venetia and ed, theyre going to boarding school in england. sounds like a good school. i will missssss youuuuuuuu guysssssssss sooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhh :(
Prom? prom is in 3 weeks, can't wait for prom coz this might be my last prom here in oman, i haven't got my suit, tie, well.....basicly EVERYTHING haha, ill get them in 2 weeks i think hehe. opps i forgot, i have to get my ticket for prom tomorrow, ive paid them but havent got the ticket coz it wasnt out!
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