Today was my second day at school and it was allrite, as usual we learn in class and it started to get busy now because we will be having our mock exams in 2 weeks, we have a new maths teacher; her name is miss rehman but you pronouns it raymond, shes from england and shes very profesional at maths. starting next week the drama gcse's group are going to wear the Drama department t-shirt, it is only for the drama department students who's taking gcse drama which is a good thing but on monday-wednesday we have to wear the british school uniform. this is what new so far.
i had tutor class just now, it was allrite, his name was Mr. mohammed, he taught me algebra just now, the tutor class was only 1 hour and 15 mins. its 10.15pm now and i have to go to bed now.
later people.